working classes
- n.工人阶级
- working class的复数

working classes
N-COUNT-COLL 工人阶级;劳动阶级;工薪阶层
The working class or the working classes are the group of people in a society who do not own much property, who have low social status, and who do jobs which involve using physical skills rather than intellectual skills.A quarter of the working class voted for him.
But as the working classes prospered and the servant shortage set in , housekeeping became a matter of interest to the educated classes .
The fiery orator contrasted the idle rich with the toiling working classes .
It is not born today among the working classes .
Let them persuade the working classes to lead still simpler lives .
The working classes tend to travel more now than they did in the past .
Working classes migrant , do you feel discriminated in Canada ?
He has great influence with the working classes , because he himself was once a mechanic .
There have always been poor and working classes ; and the working class have mostly been poor .
An Analysis of Current Situation of the Working Classes and the Class Struggles in Developed Countries After the Cold War
Article 2 trade unions are mass organizations formed by the working classes of their own free will .
Some people argued that to educate the working classes would only lead to their getting above themselves .
The controls are meant to shield China 's poor and working classes , who spend up to half their incomes on food .
The working classes do worse with all these strategies , as their old school chums , parents and lovers are generally poorer .
The Great Enrichment came from innovation , not from accumulating capital or exploiting the working classes or lording it over the colonies .
A rich man who built himself two large houses and lived in splendid style , he was deeply moved by the plight of the industrial and agrarian working classes .
But journalism that is aimed at the interests of the middle and working classes , and journalism done in the general public interest , is a ghost of its former self .
Pleb , taken from the Roman word plebs , has found a modern context in its derogatory usage to describe a member of the ordinary people or working classes .
From striving for the survival right to be eager for more right to enjoyment and development , the working classes have been fighting to the bourgeois all the time while they were born .
Economic development led to changes in social structure . The pattern of modern urbanization with the Central Valley at its core had been formed . The middle class and working classes grew up as the emerging social classes .
His father was a gas-fitter , his mother a hairdresser , both members of the aspirational " cockney " working classes who left the east end of London for suburbia in Essex .
Even in the United States , with its decade-long head start in digital connectivity , it has yet to be seen how e-commerce helps the lives of the unemployed and the working classes - if anything , it has taken jobs away .
Moral economy is a social revolt culture contained in the long tradition of the England lower classes , it has existed in the public consciousness for a long time , and the lower people here refer to the ordinary working classes as the representative of peasant and handicraftsman .
This gives the speed of direct access to data while keeping the flexibility of working with classes that you control .
I also assume that you know the basics of working with classes and objects in PHP , as the PHP components used in this article are written in compliance with OOP principles .
Instead of furiously working out in zumba classes , French women tend to incorporate walking into their daily routines .
This paper considers the optimal admission control to a queueing network which consists of three working stations and two classes of customers , by use of fuzzy logic .
JiBX ( which I also developed ) is a data-binding framework that 's mainly focused on working with existing Java classes rather than code generation from schema .